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Treat you as our friend with sincere heart,
Give you good service quality and excellent experience during the trip in Taiwan
Treat you as our friend, give you a kind of reliability during the trip.
Free x Fun style tour mode makes your trip more interesting.
Online customer staff are familiar to Taiwan geographical environment, we will arrange attractions and adjust fluent route for you.
You won’t feel lost and helpless.
Just let us know where you want to go and what kind of trip
Driver provide professional driving service and immediate suggestion during the trip.
We choose exclusive cars for you! Give you comfort,safety and high-quality trip, everyone is VIP !!!
Please according to your number of people to choose best car model for your Taiwan trip Car quotation will depend on your 【Date】【Stay days】【Route and area】
three-row seats arrangement (much wider and bigger sofa chair)
capacity:21 seats for guests (attached with seats arrangement chart)
equipment:Singing on the car 、 Audiovisual equipment 【TV/movie/music/Youtube/Netflix/Disney+】、USB charging slot for phone
the most comfortable seats experience is for 14-16 pax,the maximum can be up to 20 to 21 pax
easy to reach some high mountain area or destination such as Hehuanshan or Wuling farm
each seat is independent sofa chair
capacity:8 seats for guests (attached with seats arrangement chart)
the most comfortable seats experience is for 8 pax, the maximum can be up to 8 pax as well
Best choice for many or large luggages
you can stand and walk on the car
standard 3-3-3 seat arrangement
the most comfortable seats experience is for 5-6 pax
It is suitable for the group of people up to over 18 pax or many luggages
Capacity:42 to 43
Taipei Yilan Taoyuan Hsinchu Miaoli
Taichung Nantou QingJing SunMoonLake
Chiayi Alishan Tainan Kaohsiung Pingtong Kenting
Hualien Taitung
外國行程區 5天 8天 環島 半島
5天 8天 環島 半島
Telegraphic transfer Wechat pay Paypal Credit card Cash
Telegraphic transfer
Wechat pay
Credit card
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